The TI


DIGITALFABRIC® – TI FRAMEWORK Simplifies the complexities in business transformation initiatives by providing a pragmatic process framework & guidance for Digital Strategy management.

Enterprise requirements, technology components, and business models are changing faster than time, and so should the strategic initiatives. This time frame of the year (~March 2020) has challenged us to look over and above the unreal barriers that acted as a speed-lock to attain full-throttle transformation. Companies have onboarded numerous capabilities and solutions to address growing needs, which gradually has evolved into a new entangled technology furball fondly termed Digital Transformation. Making the whole situation difficult to manage, and complex to quantify effort, track maturity, register growth, and consolidate value on investment. Large corporations have designed and wielded a practical approach to adopt digital transformation. However, the anticipated outcomes from these initiatives are still under evaluation and realization.

3 CRITICAL DIMENSIONS of Business transformation initiatives that are covered in DIGITALFABRIC® – TI Framework.

Organizations are aspiring to start working on the DBX (Digital Business Transformation) Theme, and the ones who are already amid this business transformation are yearning for a methodology to swiftly ADOPT – ADAPT – & ACCELERATE.

BX (Business Transformation) Dimensions

3 fundamental areas defining the success factors

Work Design Constituents

5 primary elements of the Framework

Work Design Attributes

10 aspects of the work design constituents

Attribute processes & Checklists

10 processes – 25 prospective checklists/Controls

Our Approach & Illustration of

What will DIGITALFABRIC® - TI Framework help you achieve?

DIGITALFABRIC® denotes the quintessential set of markers that guides you to efficiently institutionalize the digital foundation. An assemblage of execution guidance’s and mechanisms focusing on the intrinsic and extrinsic facets to simultaneously drive the business transformation with CONTINUOUS DIGITAL objective.

The prescriptions will pave the path to assert the efficacy of onboarding the digital components to drive the organizational goal. Risk Optimization, Resource optimization, value realization, and digital strategy management are primary considerations when driving the transformation program.

  • Discover enterprise processes and segment & catalog
  • Defining the governance, conformance, and performance controls (VOI, ROI,
  • Assessment and prioritization of as-is business-technology-customer capabilities & gaps.
  • Design and business & technology adoption roadmap with tangible outcomes & milestones.
  • Devise the skill & capability development path to