“Technology”​ has a newly revised job description

The information has always been the epicenter of entire business ecosystems. And the brute force of enterprise computing is dedicated to supporting the foundation of this theory, which now has moved on to other worlds and the clouds. The entire IT convoy (ITIS, ITES, Sw/Hw…..) was instilled to ensure the business conducts its operations without interruption. The means, modes, & methods of information capture, storage, and availability were the primary objective backed by the traditional IT support with apparent resource constraints. These constraints are fading away with the new changes in the way we use and operate the technology.

Today the narrative has changed. I am not saying that information has lost its prominence; it still has the most valuable podium position when all business attributes are considered. There has been a substantial development in unboxing the fundamental applied concepts in Analytics (science), Cloud (Technology), Artificial intelligence (capability), and Automation (system/Tool) many new evolving technologies.

These domains cover disruptive solutions from infrastructure, programming languages to data models and algorithms that shift many tasks from human to Technology with human-like intelligence adding varied exceptional features, experience, and value. All these converge to form a Digital (Platform) and look beyond the metal racks into the core data to fabricate hyper-converged services, cognitive processes, and intelligent systems. For Illustration, the whole Desktop support portfolio has condensed into one icon and one-click using attended automation+ product. Hence, Technology is gaining precedence in rationalizing the use and fitment in our current IT landscape and has become the new focal point of every business framework today. 

Paradigm till a few years ago: Focus was to conserve and manage Information generated during every transaction and interaction between humans and systems. Technology had its unilateral directive to support the business in this activity.

Today: The technology is in the midst of the sublimation process. It is going virtual, carrying all systems and capabilities along, leaving a minimal burden on us to babysit them. This virtual power has quadrupled the ability to scale compute at will and cast their strength on plotting equations, mapping dimensions, and building algorithms around the information. Technology has renewed from just an enabler of services and business processes to the conductor of business objectives, sustenance, and Growth.

The new expectations from technology are to start augmenting platforms and onboard capabilities to prescribe actionable suggestions without compromising experience & convenience. The intent has changed from recording and managing information to sourcing and augmenting data to create entirely unexplored solutions and insights. We have developed the ability to capture the data points from multiple components and coil that into an interpretable language (Digital twins).

Now we are compelled to look beyond information that has been piling up for decades, and now as we speak…. We have it. Current traction is developing a technology formula that can enhance the executive aptitude to anticipated risks, present educated advice, and play crystal ball. Simultaneously, amplify human capability multifold by shifting the effort of administering the physical & virtual components to another technology source or system and first time letting human workforce actually dwell on their aspirations, achievements, and self-actualization.

There has to be more emphasis on uncovering the potential by learning about these technologies and familiarise them with the hallmarks and relational possibilities.

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