
Cloud driving digitization, Automation driving work optimization, Analytics driving insights, and AI driving decision making – are illustrations of Transformation.

Enterprises have survived and thrived through time, utilizing the best possible technology and aggregated knowledge from every subject and object involved in value generation processes. However, today when these processes transition from one Medium (Physical) to another (Digital), are we recognizing the information, skill, process, and systems left behind only to decommission or disintegrate? These suddenly become obsolete or unnecessary.

Hence, the transformation strategy should also include the mechanism to repurpose all the residual enterprise attributes. And the new journey from Transformation to a future state will leave the enterprise in a shortfall of similar characteristics due to revised requirements.

Should the enterprises consider enterprise debt and deficit as critical change and transformation metrics?


The evolution of frameworks and practices is driven by the level of realization, resolution, and restoration of balance to maintain a thriving environment. The indications focus on quintessential attributes in every dimension, from professional to personal and psychological. Including new Stakeholders like employees, government bodies, investors, and specialized agencies assembled by world organizations in building a conscious and aware enterprise is the way forward. TIME TO REALIGN


The WORK and LIFE have a new definition or should I say needs a new one. The reconfigured methods architecture of executing and delivering value has not only challenged us but also the technology to adjust and up the game. looks like this is a good discussion to have ….. The future of **** Work, Life, Enterprise, Technology …… so on…
Do you think answering the questions below is simple? – TRY IT
My Point – Which bucket does viewing this post fall into?


Like – with great power comes great responsibilities……


Try looking at his infographic through a personal lens.
Workplace = Home I Workforce = Family I Workflow = Routine I Workware = Set of practices and the corresponding expectations and related feelings.
Fortunately, this is also our professional work design architecture encompassing people, processes, platforms, and partnerships.
This takes us back to the question DEFINE WORK? – DEFINE LIFE? 
In my opinion, if we normalize the compensation expectation out of both life and work, these two terms won’t seem so different at all.


Learning to Survive Vs. Learning to Thrive
The ART OF TEACHING is more pragmatic and effective in animals and us Humans. The parent (Teacher) does not get to choose a student but extends the same teaching with variations and modifications as per the child’s nature and learning ability. We all have noticed the spotlight on LEARNING these days. No matter what, everyone is learning …Machine learning, Human Learning.
Digital experience transformation has accelerated the relevance, application, and potential of LEARNING. Machines and humans stressing on ready to learn new skills have suddenly surged the importance of TEACHING or should I say CURATING. The classrooms’ dimensions have changed, and so has the definition of machines. However, the uncertainties in both Machine Learning & human learning are the same and can influence the outcome. (The efficacy of data/content: The ability to compute/consume and so on)
LEARN FROM DATA & TEACH THE MACHINES are the most favorite expectations from the emerging capabilities. Now the time emphasizes the ART OF LEARNING ….. Everybody/thing is the source, and Everybody/thing is the Target.

The philosophy of Design Thinking for Design Solution

The design thinking process highlights the moments of truth, experience points, and interactional methods to deep-dive into the core process. In many cases, to your surprise, the solution might not or need not be part of this entire process identified during this exercise.
Let’s perceive for an instance that design thinking is a mature version of problem management with a perspective where distinguishing a challenge is multidirectional and probabilistic. Consequently, the same set of parameter values and initial conditions might lead to a group of different outputs.
This gets us to a thoughtful discussion of Collective Thinking and Collaborative thinking where the outputs are exclusive but are an integral part of solution definition.
So the big question : By increasing the span of thinking – can we improve the efficacy of the solution?

Enterprises talk about SCALE at large and very ambitiously, but seldom accomplished.

Why? Choosing a starting point for scale initiative is very distracting. There are numerous real-time triggers like customer demands, business objectives, & Ops challenges. Which one to pick first is perplexing. This is similar to the service stabilization or improvement program and nothing close to SCALE.
What? Building an enterprise process catalog is the foundational activity to aspire scale. Process segmentation (division into separate parts), and categorization (Grouping) will help you consolidate the processes with similar characteristics, actions, and outcomes to start building the corresponding MVPr (Minimum Viable Process).
How? First, aggregate the processes to arrive at an MVPr. Then map comparable yet federated processes across other functions to the MVPr. This helps fast-track replication of the process or a part of it across every opportunity to save a significant portion of the time, effort, and investment, Multiplying the value achieved from the one-time effort. Scaling is about repurposing a one-time effort and extending that practice across the ecosystem by finding a fitment for that effort to enable other similar processes.

Technology change Mgmt. – Behavioral change Mgmt. and Organizational Change Mgmt. builds business resiliency.

Change Management is all about execution and the art of initiating deliberate change. Integrating systems and processes at every possible opportunity will increase transparency and enhance the efficacy of activities. We have transferred the risk of human error to the tools/systems, but there is still a need for constant caution.
Management Change is around the leadership models and organizational structures we build to manage the work concept, including people, performance, and outcomes. A new and fresh perspective to the Management should empower resources to think, not just act and execute. Reward failure that promotes fearless and open innovation.
Managing change is where the transformation initiatives are of a larger magnitude, touching almost every team, technique, and technology in the ecosystem. The leaders with such crucial responsibility should balance the emotional and technical facets. What matters is building a culture and nurturing our workforce. “Data” will show the direction, and “skill” is how we will achieve the objective.

The lost or forgotten art of asking questions or the right questions for the right objective.

Asking the right questions – to the right subject – at the right time – for the right action has multifarious consecutive outcomes. I have just quoted a few, but you can add additional variables. This is now acknowledged as a crucial skill and need of the time.
Management Change AI is based on the core foundation of asking the right question for which we are assembling all other components like data, algorithm, technique, and so on …. for an insight. We are rushing into finding the answers without understanding the question or its efficacy to the cause. Finding the answer to a misunderstood or misinterpreted question is the same as not having the answer but more questions.
Do take a conscious effort in building the right set of questions (usually which are the simplest ones) to fulfill your business, technology, and social objectives.

Content has and always been the focal point of impact.

Until we witnessed all the mediums and modes converging to one ubiquitous platform that hosts the same digital nature of data but with different types.
A simple illustration of how I look at the logical relation of why, How, and what of the content to the segments that exist. I am not reserving any thoughts or locking the idea. This could be a very high-level intent mapping of what should be the takeaway for the end audience.
What do you think?

Word AUTO-MATION – “Mation” is not a word in the English dictionary. At the first place MOTION made more sense and relevant.

It is interesting to not some times that words transform and still don’t mean much but the significance of the word when relates to technology – It is business changing.


The unilateral view (Impact – Risk – Cost) to a Bilateral view (Resiliency – Sustainability – Optimization).Every process carries specific accountability and performance constituent, which define the process efficacy and reliability. Here are the principal evaluators of a process that grants an opportunity to redesign the process in a new format.
Cost of Process Execution – Emphasizes Productivity and efficiency of processing one transaction and the relative benefit for both parties (Service provider – Service consumer)
Risk of Process Non-adherence – stresses the mandatory activities that are crucial and may cause an adverse consequence on the compliance, information, policy, and regulatory aspects.
Impact of Process Disruption – relates to the inadequacy to complete a commitment that might act as a setback on brand reputation, customer loyalty, and commercial aspect.
The unilateral view (Impact – Risk – Cost) to a Bilateral view (Resiliency – Sustainability – Optimization).Every process carries specific accountability and performance constituent, which define the process efficacy and reliability. Here are the principal evaluators of a process that grants an opportunity to redesign the process in a new format.
Cost of Process Execution – Emphasizes Productivity and efficiency of processing one transaction and the relative benefit for both parties (Service provider – Service consumer)
Risk of Process Non-adherence – stresses the mandatory activities that are crucial and may cause an adverse consequence on the compliance, information, policy, and regulatory aspects.
Impact of Process Disruption – relates to the inadequacy to complete a commitment that might act as a setback on brand reputation, customer loyalty, and commercial aspect.