Masterpieces are created with not keeping the intention of making one. It is acknowledged only later when perceived and recognized by the audience who can relate to it. This intriguing connection between Art and Technology (Automation) is what I wish to present in this composition.


An artist’s IMAGINATION is distinct and singular. Similarly, the idea to improvise a process starts with THE USE CASE that needs a deep understanding of the process and actions to visualize the points where automation can be introduced. There are numerous opportunities in our ecosystem if we start focusing on the customer-employer journeys and moment of truths. We have to connect the dots, use the right perspective, and visualize the outcome…….And not stop.


An artist begins the work by choosing the right CANVAS to depict the idea based on the expression, audience, and experience they envision. The design surface of any technology platform (automation design area) lets us call this the CANVAS in this setting and behaves like the surface where the magic is made by redefining or replicating a process on a digital board. Actions, connections, functions are smartly depicted as intuitive icons that can be placed and interconnected on the design surface with great ease.


COLORS have very intrinsic and personalized characteristics; they express and signify an emotion, intention, and relevance in the right combination. Let us map the colors with different shades of prominent EMERGING TECHNOLOGY INGREDIENTS and capabilities like (AI – Analytics – IoT) and lamina of components (OCR – NLP – ML Modelling….so on). When the listed technology components are positioned, thoughtfully can appeal to resolve any business challenge aiming towards the automation continuum. A platform is like the mixing palette where different tones, depth, and shades of colors are invented, similar to the technology platform where all possible technologies converge to form a solution.


Finally, the BRUSH binds the colors with canvas to create the portrait, without which the imagination, surface, and colors are soloed with reserved direction. The brush is the instrument translating the thought of an Artist using the appropriate color scheme on the canvas with modulated effort and perfected oscillating strokes. We map the brush with Rule’s command center / Orchestrator that splices the act on the canvas to align the automation idea, the developed sequence of actions, and the timely execution. This is the formation of the product that is experienced by the end-user.


This illustration exhibits this correlation of technology to artistry in its coherent and inherent ability to develop a pure-play technology solution for any enterprise. Infusing various emerging technologies & components in the right proportion at the right point without overcomplicating the transformation idea. This is not possible with you building a string ecosystem that enables you through the entire lifecycle. One does what one is specialized in, and the rest to leverage the ecosystem to fill in the voids.

Creativity has no bounds – Technology has no limits – when both combine, there are endless dimensions and possibilities.

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